3 Actionable Ways To Double Your Giving Tuesday Results

1. Identify Your Strongest Prospects In Advance

Complete a RFM (recency, frequency, monetary value) analysis to fully assess the best target audience for your campaign.


Get the answers to when their last donation was, how often do they do it, and the value of each donation.


This will help determine the best channels and messaging to use for your campaign while ensuring your results.

2. Use Urgency To Your Advantage

Since Giving Tuesday only comes around once a year, its crucial to use timing and deadline oriented messaging to create urgency.


Even though the event is only 24 hours, the success of a campaign hinges having touchpoint that are spread across a longer time period. 


Your donors should have a minimum of 5 touch points before Giving Tuesday.


3. Maximize Results With Multi-channel Asks

The most successful campaigns utilize a minimum of some SMS, email, paid social and offline channels. 


Marketing campaigns need to integrate in order to reach and activate their key audience of donors.

It's not too late, get started on your Giving Tuesday campaign today: